Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Change of mind brings change of scenery

The decision to go with a helix instead of a long continuous grade between the two decks meant certain areas require changing.  What was originally going to be a representation of Malta now becomes the general area of Belden siding with intentions to model (somewhat) the Eagle Mine, and possibly a couple of the smaller mines along the canyon in order to have some switching on this otherwise bridge-traffic-only layout. 

I decided to give homasote splines a shot and they really work well. They take some time to work with to bend them into the proper radius as it won't form a uniform curve along the length you intend to curve but it's not a chore to do either.  And since I spike my track down this method is fantastic. 

The work train here is entering the siding from the one staging connection.  The splines will be painted black as I've done before with the homasote, but track was laid quickly to keep my son occupied watching trains while I worked on other parts of the layout.

Staging will still connect to this area as before.  The track the train is on is the staging connection. From left to right is the staging connection, Belden siding, Eagle River, and the main line.  All the homasote will be elevated here with the staging connection starting its decent rather quickly after leaving the siding.
Eagle mine will be represented about where the 3 tunnel motors are sitting now.

1 comment:

  1. Your layout is really starting to take shape. I am curious though, how did you get your homasote splines to curve so nicely? I've been experimenting on my on layout with the and I'm having trouble getting a nice curve without snapping them. My splines are 1" tall if that helps.
